A healthy life is what everyone wishes for. According to a data set by World Health Statics, released in 2021, states that globally women is expected to live a longer life than man. Women is expected to live an average five years longer than man, but not a healthy life. With a record, it shirks less than half as much as 2.4 years. The data showcase that the global average difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy around nine years.
Many health experts and researchers have stated that people rely on living a prolonged life rather than a healthy life. Looking at the present situation, healthy life has become a matter of concern. In India, females are expected to live three years more than males. But, they lack living a healthy life. It is not only found in found it come across the globe. Not having a healthy life can occur due to insufficient access to healthcare and not giving much importance to a healthy living lifestyle. It happens mainly among older women.
Having an extended life expectancy does not give the advantage of living a healthy life. A healthy life includes many things, from maintaining a healthy lifestyle to making decisions about health and bodily autonomy. However, according to the reports, women suffer from poor nutritional status compared to men counterparts, which can be a reason for their unhealthy lives.
Now the concern lies on whether to expand the life expectancy or to make life healthy. But, first, women need more care to place their health in a better condition.
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