Rescue operations have faced numerous challenges, including treacherous terrain and a lack of heavy equipment...
Digital Desk: In the wake of devastating landslides that have ravaged Wayanad, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi announced on Friday that his party will construct over 100 houses to aid those affected.
Speaking from the heart of the disaster zone, Gandhi emphasized the unprecedented nature of the tragedy. "Kerala has not witnessed such a tragedy in a single area before," he stated, committing to raise the issue at the national level in Delhi. The Lok Sabha MP has been actively visiting relief camps in Wayanad, where three major landslides have led to the deaths of over 275 people and the destruction of numerous homes.
"I have been here since Thursday," Gandhi noted. "We went to the site yesterday. We went to the camps, we assessed the situation there. Today, we had a meeting with the administration and the panchayat. They briefed us on the number of casualties they expect, the number of houses that have been damaged and their strategy.”
Gandhi highlighted the Congress party's commitment to the relief effort. “We have said that we are here to help in any way possible. The Congress family would like to commit to building 100-plus houses here. I think Kerala has not seen this type of a tragedy in one area, and I am going to raise it in Delhi and also with the chief minister here that this is a different level of tragedy and should be treated differently.”
Reflecting on the destruction caused by the landslides, Gandhi shared that it was reminiscent of the emotions he felt during his father, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination in 1991. He has been accompanied by Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi, who is announced as the Lok Sabha candidate from Wayanad.
The scale of the destruction is immense, with around 350 buildings damaged. Rescue operations have faced numerous challenges, including treacherous terrain and a lack of heavy equipment. However, a robust force of 1,600 rescue workers, including those from the Army, Navy, and NDRF, have been deployed to aid in the operations.
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