Digital Desk: A midair collision between an American flight with a military helicopter on Wednesday night, killing all 67 people in both aircraft. The American Airlines plane was flying from Kansas carrying 60 passengers and four crew members, while three soldiers were aboard the military helicopter.
The horrifying incident is now considered as the deadliest aircraft disaster of the country in the last 25 years. According to reports, at least 28 bodies were recovered from the icy water of the Potomac River near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
The recovery operations have been ongoing since Thursday morning. Some bodies were already recovered while others are still to be recovered.
The victims of the terrible incident included teen figure skaters from the US and Russia returning from a national meet in Wichita with parents and coaches, a young pilot, flight attendants, a lawyer, and a daughter of Indian immigrants.
The last aircraft crash occurred in the United States in 2009 near Buffalo, New York. That fatal midair crash took 50 people's lives including one person on the ground. In 2001, an American aircraft crash took 265 people's lives including five people on the ground near Kennedy Airport.
President Donald Trump also said that no one survived the horrific incident. He opened the news conference with a moment of silence remembering the victims.
Hundreds of people gathered in Wichita to offer a prayer for the deceased.
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