Zelenskyy also made his directorial debut with 'Me. You'. In 2018, he co-directed 'He. She.' with David Dodson. In the film, Volodymyr Zelenskyy plays...
"The report in the New York Times is fake news. These kinds of blame-shifting, diversionary remarks are completely reprehensible," Wang Wenbin said. ...
Russia has been sanctioned by Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, but India has remained silent on Moscow’s actions. Digital Desk: A...
Thousands are said to have died or been injured in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, although Russia has yet to remove the government in Kyiv. Digital...
Russia-Ukraine war Updates: Ukraine’s youngest member of Parliament has taken up an AK-47 rifle to save his country against the Russian invasion. &...
No cat belonging to exhibitors residing in Russia may be entered in any FIFe show held outside of Russia, regardless of whose association these exhibi...
The IAF's third evacuation flight from Rzeszow landed at the airbase shortly after the second, with 208 Indians on board Digital Desk: According to ...
Amid Ukraine-Russia Crisis, a second Indian student has been reported dead as he succumbed to a stroke on Wednesday. Digital Desk: According to re...