• 5 Powerful Yoga Asanas For Computer Users to Stay Fit

    5 Powerful Yoga Asanas For Computer Users to Stay Fit

    The best thing is that you can strike these poses directly from your desk at work.

    Digital Desk: Every corporate worker is usually too busy with work to focus on their physical well-being. Our daily lives are now greatly hampered by the hours we spend in front of screens on computers, cell phones, and other digital gadgets. However, we do have a fix for you! Yoga incorporates a variety of real posters that can help you feel better and reduce the tension that comes with living a tech-heavy lifestyle. The best thing is that you can strike these poses directly from your desk at work. Try these simple yoga poses while working to improve the comfort and relaxation of your digital life.

    5 Yoga Poses To Stay Fit At Your Work Desk

    1. Chair backend: Take a deep breath in while sitting upright in your desk chair. As you exhale, you can extend your arms above your head and flex your chest and upper back slightly backward. After holding it for a few while, progressively let go of the tension by lowering your arms to your sides. To feel a little less stressed, you must practice it several times each day.

    2. Seated spinal twist: Ensure that your back is straight and tall on your work chair and that your feet are firmly planted on the ground. Take a deep breath, let it out, and twist your body away from your abs. While keeping your stiff stance and holding onto the armrest and backrest, take a few deep breaths. Try doing this on both sides each day at work to observe a discernible improvement in your physical well-being.

    3. Chair forward fold: Put your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply and straighten your chair posture. Fold your body forward, bending your elbows. For proper alignment, align your head with your shoulders and lead with your chest. Several times a day, try this stance to help you feel more at ease.

    4. Chair-cat crow stretch: Stretch your hands on your knees while performing the chair-cat crow pose. With your feet flat on the ground, take a seat. Breathe in and raise your back so that your head is facing the ceiling. Next, release the breath by lowering your head and adopting a "cat" posture by rounding your neck. For better effects, you can repeat this up to five times.

    5. Seated Eagle Arms: You must sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor in order to perform this yoga pose. Put your arms at a 90-degree angle in front of your face. Breathe deeply while placing your left arm next to your right and pressing the backs of your palms together. You must maintain this stance for five breaths, alternating arms during the pose.