• 6 Everyday Habits to Reduce Monsoon Flu Risk and Build Immunity

    6 Everyday Habits to Reduce Monsoon Flu Risk and Build Immunity
    With fluctuating temperatures and higher humidity, our immune systems can become more vulnerable.

    Digital Desk: The monsoon season provides a welcome relief from the intense summer heat but also brings an increased risk of flu and other infections. With fluctuating temperatures and higher humidity, our immune systems can become more vulnerable. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt practices that enhance immunity and help prevent illnesses.

    Here are 6 Tips to Boost Immunity During Monsoon:

    1.      Consume Natural and Nutritious Foods: A well-rounded diet rich in natural and nutritious foods is essential for a strong immune system. Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, and spices provides essential nutrients that support your body's defense mechanisms. Almonds, in particular, are beneficial during the monsoon due to their Vitamin E, protein, and antioxidants, which boost immunity and overall well-being.

    2.      Maintain Hydration: It's important to stay hydrated even in cooler and more humid weather. Water helps eliminate toxins from the body, keeps mucous membranes moist (acting as a barrier against infections), and supports overall bodily functions. Aim for at least 7 to 8 glasses of water daily, and consider herbal teas, coconut water, or buttermilk to maintain hydration levels.

    3.      Ensure Adequate Sleep: Sufficient sleep is crucial for a healthy immune system. During sleep, the body undergoes repair and rejuvenation processes vital for immune function. Inadequate sleep can weaken your immune response and increase susceptibility to infections. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to keep your immune system strong.

    4.      Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity is a powerful way to enhance immunity. Exercise improves circulation and reduces stress hormones that can negatively impact immune function. Incorporate at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise such as walking, yoga, swimming, cycling, or sports into your daily routine to stay fit and healthy.

    5.      Practice Good Hygiene: Maintaining proper hygiene is crucial to prevent infections. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, particularly before eating, after using the bathroom, and after coughing or sneezing. Carry hand sanitizer for situations where soap and water are unavailable. Additionally, avoid close contact with individuals displaying flu symptoms and ensure your living spaces are clean and well-ventilated.

    6.      Manage Stress Levels: Chronic stress weakens the immune system, increasing vulnerability to infections. Combat stress by engaging in activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies you enjoy. These practices promote a balanced mind and body, contributing to improved immune health.

    By adopting these daily habits, you can strengthen your immune system and significantly reduce the risk of falling ill during the monsoon season, allowing you to enjoy the rainy days in good health.