• What do guys think when they flirt with you? Check it out here

    What do guys think when they flirt with you? Check it out here

    When it comes to dating and falling in love, we may seem to have certain things in common, but the big game of love seems to...

    Digital Desk: Women and men are quite different from one another, and no one should be surprised by this remark. The only actual similarity between the two is that they are both humans, but that's about all. When it comes to dating and falling in love, we may seem to have certain things in common, but the big game of love seems to highlight the disparities between men and women the most. 

    Even though it might be difficult to tell whether someone is genuinely interested in you or is just being polite, this article can help you understand how to identify signals of interest and what the person is thinking when he becomes flirty.

    Situation 1: He speaks to you differently than he does to your friends

    He's definitely interested, and he's probably thinking that if he pays more attention to you and your requirements, he might be able to get your phone number or Instagram ID, since getting your digits can be invasive in the long run. He doesn't want to be overly attentive because he doesn't want to be a creep, but he will be on his feet getting your food order separately.

    Situation 2: The guy is being funny and enjoys joking around you

    Now, ladies, be careful with this one! So, if he's making you the centre of his jokes without hurting your feelings, he's probably encouraging you to smile more. At this point, he is more concerned with how to be the centre of your attention and make you laugh more than your man's best friend.

    Situation 3: The guy is clamoring for your praise

    He could be a school friend who suddenly began dressing in ways and outfits that you like, with perfectly styled hair and donning your favourite scent. Ladies, he is most probably fetching your 100% attention.

    He is thinking that you might post on social media stories and posts, which just sends a subtle message to other guys that you might be seeing someone (especially if this guy's bestie is also interested in you).

    Situation 4: He expresses his emotions openly

    This is a mature guy who knows what he wants and will not waste his or your time by talking nonsense.  He will simply state that he is interested in you and wishes to develop a relationship with you. This guy is simply looking for a committed relationship with the goal of getting married. So only lead on ladies if you're interested.

    Although it is common for girls to receive compliments from guys, this is not always the case. Ladies, step up!