• Losing weight can be difficult for a number of reasons, says expert

    Losing weight can be difficult for a number of reasons, says expert
    Dr. Dimple discussed three possible reasons for someone's inability to lose weight.

    Digital Desk: To say the least, the road to your ideal weight can be difficult. It necessitates extreme discipline, consistency, and hard work. Despite this, many people find it difficult to lose weight. 

    Are you one of those people who have made the necessary dietary changes, exercise regularly, and stay active but are still struggling to lose those extra kilos? If so, Dr Dimple Jangda, an Ayurvedic practitioner and digestive health coach, offers some possible explanations.

    The expert took to Instagram to share three possible reasons why someone may be struggling to lose weight. Explore here.

    A| Your body's deficiencies

    Dr. Jangda explained how body deficiencies can lead to weight gain, saying, "If you are deficient in nutrients, vitamins, or minerals, your body collects fat reserves as a defence mechanism, preparing for a potential future sickness." You will be working against your body rather than with it if you do not address your deficiencies and diseases."

    To counteract this, she suggests refocusing your efforts on addressing the underlying causes of your diseases, disorders, and deficiencies.

    B| Improper Diet

    The incorrect diet strategy could also be contributing to your weight loss difficulties. "It's likely that your diet wasn't created for your particular body type. 

    There are seven distinct body kinds according to both modern science and Ayurveda. You may be an Ectomorph (Vata Prakriti), Mesomorph (Pitta Prakriti), Endomorph (Kapha Prakriti), dual body type (Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha), or tridoshic (well-balanced) body type, according to her.

    She suggested nourishing your body by consuming foods based on your individual physical makeup. An ectomorph, for instance, benefits from consuming more sweet, sour, and salty meals. 

    Consuming more sweet, bitter, and astringent foods is beneficial for a mesomorph. Foods that are bitter, astringent, and pungent are good for Endomorphs.

    C| Unhealthy Bowel or Digestive Tract

    You will have a difficult time losing weight if your stomach and colon are unhealthy. Every day, your body eliminates pollutants through sweat, urine, and faeces. However, a lot of pollutants, undigested food, heavy metals or food preservatives, parasites, and dangerous germs get stuck in your body if your intestines, colon, or sweat pores are clogged. Before starting any health objective, it's crucial to take care of your gut health, the expert advised.