We had to have wise ones exhort against this tendency, ‘All that glitters is not gold.’...
Digital Desk: Today I was brushing off some glitter from a blazer.
The staid, sombre look of the blazer was being ruined by bits of glitter sticking to it, as I headed back from a celebration.
After all, glitter too isn’t ‘good’unconditionally.
But aren’t we all unabashedly, relentlessly pursuing glitter, glitz, glamour in our everyday lives?We tend to be attracted by every shiny object, in metaphorical terms.
We had to have wise ones exhort against this tendency, ‘All that glitters is not gold.’
Learning to inspect below the surface takes us into deep knowing.
At those depths, what one sees is true worth. Often with the shedding of superfluity, we arrive at an understanding of an over-riding oneness and unity.
Take each belief, each prejudice, each stereotype that you have formed, and examine it deeply. We should especially examine the negative and limiting belief systems.
What was the ground for the formation of that belief?
Was it simply imbibed from the environment, or did one take the time to examine it acutely?
More often than not, when we don’t depend on external references for our belief systems, we find deep-seated goodness in people, places, things.
As for the major cause of discord, the clash of different religious beliefs- we can see the underlying oneness of all scriptures, if only we take the time to read them.
Depending on others’ interpretations does no good, as it fuels the agenda of vested interests.
So, brush off the rose-tinted glasses, or even the glitter that obscures the reality.
Delve deep into the truth.
‘The truth shall set us free.’
(The writer is a Life coach and Senior Soft Skills trainer; and can be reached at atifa@comeaspire.net)
Atifa Deshamukhya
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