Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
All devotees' wishes are said to be granted after they worship Baba Bhairav Nath on this day.
Digital Desk: On the occasion of Bhairav Ashtami, 1,351 types of bhog, including liquors and cigarettes, were offered to Lord Bhairavnath on Wednesday evening at the 56 Bhairav temple in Bhagtipura, Madhya Pradesh's Ujjain.
It is customary to offer liquor at the Kal Bhairav temple in Ujjain. Bhairav Ashtami has been celebrated here since ancient times. Bhairav Baba was thus attractively adorned, and Maha Bhog was served to devotees after worship.
The devotees provide the ingredients for mahabhog, which are then distributed after Bhairavnath is offered bhog.
According to ANI, bhog included 390 types of incense sticks, 180 types of face masks, 75 types of dry fruits, 64 types of Chocolate, 60 types of Gujarati Namkeen, 60 types of sachet cigarettes, 56 types of snacks, 55 types of sweets, 45 types of biscuits, 40 types of liquor (Rum, Whiskey, Tequila, Vodka Beer, and Champagne), chillum, cannabis, 40 types of bakery items, and 30 types of Gajak
All devotees' wishes are said to be granted after they worship Baba Bhairav Nath on this day.
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