Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
Personnel from the Vena and Bhagan Bigha police stations rushed to the site to evaluate the situation and...
Digital Desk: An under-construction bridge collapsed in the Bena police station region in Bihar's Nalanda area on Friday (November 18). It is unclear how many individuals are buried under the rubble.
The incident occurred at Bhagan Bigha Chowk. Reportedly, during the construction of the Bakhtiyarpur-Rajauli road, a large portion of the bridge collapsed. Two workers died on the spot, reports said.
Personnel from the Vena and Bhagan Bigha police stations rushed to the site to evaluate the situation and quicken the rescue operation.
According to BDO Laxman Kumar, the incident occurred when construction of a four-lane overbridge was underway. As per the official, it is now clear how many people were buried beneath the debris.
According to locals, a big gutter fell down when a big crane machine was being used to install a large gutter over the bridge.
Locals said that the incident was caused by the authority's negligence.
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