CBSE also took to Twitter to deal with the false notice. "#FactCheck #Fake," read the caption...
Digital Desk: A counterfeit letter claiming that CBSE board class X and XII exam results will be released on May 11 has gone widespread on social media. The letter included a forgery of CBSE director Joseph Emmanuel's signature.
CBSE officials have since explained that the letter is not authentic because the dates are never released in advance. CBSE also took to Twitter to address the false notice. "#FactCheck #Fake," read the caption.
However, the CBSE is anticipated to release Class 10 and 12 board exam results this month.
Students must enter their roll number, admit card ID, school number, and date of birth on the official websites by clicking on the direct link. Once shown, the result can be downloaded for the student's convenience.
CBSE Board 2023 results will also be available on DigiLocker. Those who have an official account must activate it before the results are released. Students might seek assistance from their schools in this regard.
The results for Classes 10 and 12 will also be available on the Umang app. To obtain the results, students must input their roll numbers, admission card ID, school number, and date of birth.
CBSE is also anticipated to provide students with the option of checking their Class 10 and 12 results through SMS.
The CBSE Class 10 board exams were held between February 15 and March 21, 2023, and the Class 12 board exams were held between February 15 and April 5, 2023.
It should also be remembered that the CBSE held practical tests for grades 10 and 12 this year between January 2 and January 14.
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