Chief Minister Dhami announced plans to rebuild the small temple dedicated to Baba Baukhnag, located near the...
Digital Desk: As the last ambulance transporting one of the 41 workers rescued from the collapsed Silkyara tunnel in Uttarakhand's Uttarkashi district departed for a community health center on Tuesday evening, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and Union Minister V K Singh, deeply moved by the successful rescue mission, headed straight to the local deity Baba Baukhnag's temple to express their gratitude for his blessings.
During a subsequent press conference, Chief Minister Dhami announced plans to rebuild the small temple dedicated to Baba Baukhnag, located near the mouth of the Silkyara tunnel. The collapse of the tunnel on November 12 had trapped the construction workers, and the locals attributed the incident to the deity's anger over the demolition of his temple just days before Diwali.
Initially, the construction agency claimed the temple's demolition was necessary for the road tunnel construction, part of the ambitious Char Dham project. Realizing the mistake, a new temple for the revered deity was hastily erected at a corner of the tunnel to seek forgiveness, with regular pujas conducted to bless the rescue efforts.
The multi-agency operation, marked by numerous hurdles, finally culminated in the successful extraction of all 41 trapped laborers on Tuesday evening. As the rescued workers received medical attention, the rebuilding of Baba Baukhnag's temple stood as a symbolic gesture of reconciliation with the local deity, whose wrath had cast a shadow over the rescue mission.
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