Digital Desk: Minister of Women and Child Development Smriti Irani said that condemning every marriage as violent is not advisable. Smriti Irani made these comments during the Lok Sabha session on Wednesday.
Smriti Irani also mentioned that the safety of women and children in the country is a priority, but charging every man a rapist is not appropriate.
Irani's remarks came in reaction to CPI leader Binoy Viswam's additional question on marital rape. Binoy desired to understand if the government had taken note of Section 3 of the Domestic Violence Act on the definition of domestic violence and Section 375 of the IPC on rape.
"....let me say, to condemn every marriage in this nation as a violent marriage, and to blame every man in this nation as a rapist, in this august house is not advisable," Irani expressed.
Minister Smriti Irani even said the senior member understands that Rule 47 of the systems in the Rajya Sabha disallows embroidering on a matter that is presently sub judice.
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She stated that the government's effort is to protect women in this nation in cooperation with state administrations. Presently, over 30 helplines are serviceable across India, which has helped over 66 lakh females. Similarly, 703 'one-stop hubs' are serviceable in the nation, and these have helped more than five lakh women.
"…safety of ladies and kids in our nation is a preference for all but yet again, let me repeat that to charge every marriage in this nation as violent is not advisable," she sounded.
Viswam stated he never implied every man is a rapist and questioned if the government could accumulate data on this matter and present it to Parliament at the earliest.
Smriti Irani said the member indicates that the Centre engages with state management and seeks their documents. Though the Centre cannot advise state governments today in this House, she counted.
BJP leader Sushil Modi questioned if the government prefers legalizing marital rape or providing exemption as outlawing it will end the establishment of marriage. Sushil Modi expressed that it would be challenging to establish when the wife agreed. Irani replied by stating the issue is sub judice, and she cannot magnify.
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