According to Tamil Nadu Health Minister M Subramanian, a week ago they received information on illicit kidney donations...
Digital Desk: In a shocking incident, a government doctor and a broker were arrested in Namakkal district for selling seven newborn babies to childless couples who had more than two children across Tamil Nadu.
According to Tamil Nadu Health Minister M Subramanian, a week ago they received information on illicit kidney donations and the sale of infants, and as a result, the local officials started an investigation.
Following a week-long investigation, Tiruchengode town police arrested the doctor, A Anuradha (49), and the tout, T Logammbal (38) based on a complaint filed by a couple stating that a woman identifying herself as a nurse approached them and offered them Rs. 2 lakh if they would sell their baby.
A police official stated, “The doctor and the broker have been arrested and remanded to judicial custody. They have admitted that they have sold seven babies. Logammbal has been doing this for several years.”
"It's not a case where babies are being stolen and sold, but rather one where the couple's poverty is exploited to persuade them to part with their third newborn," the state's health minister stated.
"This is against the law. To legally register and place a child up for adoption, there are several procedures to follow. All of this was not done, though. They only did this for financial gain. They were able to sell multiple babies because of Anuradha, the doctor, who was an accomplice," he said.
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