Digital Desk: In Arwal, Bihar, a rare case of marriage has surfaced. The situation had deteriorated to the point that the army jawan had to marry under police watch. In reality, the groom's original choice was modified just before the wedding. What occurred next was instantaneous high-voltage drama. The marriage, however, was later completed.
The girl's family submitted a picture of the girls to an army jawan in
Arwal for marriage. The girl's family actually desired to marry off their oldest daughter to an army jawan. He changed his mind after seeing a photo of the two sisters together.
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The youngster stated that he would marry the younger sister rather than the elder. The young man's affection for his younger sister grew as a result of this. When the opportunity for marriage arose, however, the groom declined to marry the younger sister as well.
The matter was turned up to the cops. The army guy was recommended by the police to marry.
Following that, the groom's marriage was solemnised in a temple near the Mahila police station under the supervision of the police. However, after the nuptials, the groom emphasised once more that he would not take the wife with him. The police had to be engaged in the case after that. This is one of the rare cases where a groom's original choice changed just a few hours prior to the wedding.
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