Bhupendra Patel, the chief minister of Gujarat, arrived in Morbi last night and has been in charge of search and rescue operations since then, according to PM Modi.
Digital Desk: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the site of the collapsed Morbi bridge on Tuesday, (November 1).
The Prime Minister expressed his condolences for the victims of the bridge collapse event in Morbi, Gujarat, and promised that there will be no delay in the rescue and relief operations.
In Gujarat's Ekta Nagar in Kevadia, the Prime Minister was speaking to a crowd in honour of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's 147th birthday.
PM Modi said, "I express my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the accident. In this hour of grief, the government is with the bereaved families in every manner. The Gujarat Government has been carrying out relief and rescue operations since yesterday. Centre too is extending all help to the State Government."
"I am in Ekta Nagar but my mind is with the victims of Morbi. Rarely in my life, would I have experienced such pain. On one hand, there is a pain-riddled heart and on the other hand, there is the path to duty," the prime minister said.
Bhupendra Patel, the chief minister of Gujarat, arrived in Morbi last night and has been in charge of search and rescue operations since then, according to PM Modi.
"A committee has been established by the state government to look into this issue. I reassure the nation's citizens that there won't be any slack in the rescue and relief efforts "stated PM Modi.
It may be mentioned that at least 133 fatalities have been confirmed thus far as a result of the suspension bridge that was across the Machchhu River in the Morbi district collapsing. People were seen tumbling into the river below in the images.
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