• Left students' groups call for 2-day nationwide strike over NEET controversy on June 19-20

    Left students' groups call for 2-day nationwide strike over NEET controversy on June 19-20
    The ongoing controversy underscores deep-seated anxieties regarding the fairness and integrity of one of India's most critical examinations...

    Digital Desk: Left-wing students' organizations have sparked a nationwide outcry with a two-day strike protesting alleged irregularities in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) for medical admissions. The controversy centers around the staggering revelation that 67 students achieved the highest scores, with suspicions raised over possible cheating or a leaked paper, particularly from a single exam center in Haryana.

    The All India Students' Association (AISA) has spearheaded the strike scheduled for June 19 and 20, denouncing what they describe as corruption and mismanagement by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which administers NEET. Neha, AISA's Delhi State Secretary, criticized Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan for his silence, underscoring the distress of affected students and parents.

    In New Delhi, NEET aspirants and student representatives gathered at a press conference to express their frustration, demanding transparency and accountability in the conduct of the exam. Dhananjay, president of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Students Union, lambasted the NTA, framing the NEET 2024 irregularities as symptomatic of broader systemic issues.

    AISA has outlined specific demands including a re-conduction of the NEET exam, an independent inquiry into alleged corruption, and dissolution of the NTA. They have urged students nationwide to join the strike in solidarity to press for these demands.

    Simultaneously, a group of 20 NEET aspirants have approached the Supreme Court seeking the annulment of the NEET-UG 2024 exam. Their petition seeks a Supreme Court-monitored investigation by the CBI or an independent agency into the alleged irregularities and directives for a fresh examination.

    Under mounting pressure, the central government and NTA have responded by rescinding grace marks awarded to 1,563 candidates due to exam delays. These candidates now face the choice of re-taking the exam or forfeiting the compensatory marks. A retest for affected candidates is scheduled for June 23.

    The NEET-UG 2024 exam, conducted on May 5 across 4,750 centers, saw approximately 24 lakh candidates participate. Originally slated for release on June 14, the results were expedited and announced on June 4 amidst escalating concerns and protests. The ongoing controversy underscores deep-seated anxieties regarding the fairness and integrity of one of India's most critical examinations for medical education.