Bengaluru: A 35-year-old Iran citizen, who had come to India as a student, has been arrested by the crime branch on Tuesday for growing 'ganja' using hydroponic model. The youth was arrested from a private villa near Bidadi on the outskirts of Bengaluru, who came to study here in 2010.
The cops were shocked to see what the youth was up to in his upscale mansion.
The youth identified as Javad, completed his MBA from a private college in Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru, following which he was living in a house in Kammanahalli. Over a period of time, he was inclined towards Lord Shiva and his connection with marijuana.
Soon after he started using drugs and eventually began supplying them to his friends and other sources. He started further interest on Marijuana and began an extensive online research on growing cannabis the ways to process it and other relate things for over six months.
During lockdown, he decided to grow his own cannabis and mint money. He set up a hydroponic model to grow cannabis, ordered LED lights, necessary chemicals to process the drug. He ordered 60 seeds vi a the dark web from Europe and panted the first see in his fish tank.
He started taking care, treat them carefully and saw his ‘hardowork’ taking shape. Soon Javad started supplying his produce to his friends and earned good money.
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