Mumbai police have increased security at Wankhede stadium in preparation for the World Cup matches, even though the email's origin remains unclear.
Digital Desk: As Ahmedabad is getting ready for the World Cup cricket matches, security has been raised in the wake of an email that threatened to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi and blow up the Narendra Modi stadium.
According to Indian Express, the threatening email also asked that Lawrence Bishnoi, a convicted mobster, be released in exchange for Rs 500 crore.
The Mumbai police and other agencies responsible for the PM's security had been made aware by the NIA.
Mumbai police have increased security at Wankhede stadium in preparation for the World Cup matches, even though the email's origin remains unclear.
The email threat was reportedly received on Thursday morning. The search for the email's origin continues in the meantime.
"We blow up Narendra Modi and Narendra Modi stadium if the government does not give us Rs 500 crore and Lawrence Bishnoi," the email was quoted by the Indian Express.
"Everything sells in Hindustan, so we too have bought
something. No matter how much you secure, you won't be able to remain safe from us. If you wish to talk, do so on this mail)," it added.
It is to be noted that Bishnoi has been jailed since 2014 after being charged with many crimes, including the murder of musician Sidhu Moosewala.
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