The police have found 13 bones in the forest, including Shraddha Walkar's jaw. The horrifying details regarding Walkar's death were publicly disclosed after the Delhi Police arrested her live-in partner Aaftab Amin Poonawala on November 12.
Digital Desk: The DNA of Shraddha Walkar's father matched the dismembered bones that were found in South Delhi's Mehrauli woodland region, According to a Central Forensic Science Laboratory report. A thorough report of Aaftab's polygraph test was also given to Delhi Police.
Aaftab Poonawala, Shraddha Walkar's live-in boyfriend, strangled her before chopping up her body into 35 pieces, keeping them in a refrigerator, and scattering them throughout the Mehrauli woodland area of South Delhi for several days.
Following approval from a Delhi court, Aaftab also took multiple sessions of a polygraph test and a narco-analysis test. Aaftab admitted to killing Shraddha Walkar during the polygraph test, according to Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) officials, and claimed he was not guilty of what he did.
Shraddha Walkar's jaw is among the 13 bones that the police have recovered from the forest. After the Delhi Police detained Walkar's live-in partner Aaftab Amin Poonawala on November 12, the shocking revelations behind her murder shook the entire country.
In response to Poonawala's admission, authorities searched numerous forest locations and even emptied a pond in Madangir in search of Walkar's missing body parts. Cops had also examined the nearby forested areas near Aaftab's DLF-Phase 2 office in Gurugram and found plastic bags.
Police have discovered that Poonawala's profile on the dating app was still active and that he was continuing to communicate with several women even after killing Shraddha whom he had met on the app.
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