Earlier in April, in Karnataka's Shivamogga, a newborn's body was discovered being dragged by a dog close to the maternity wing of a government hospital.
Digital Desk: In yet another attack by stray dogs, a girl was attacked and dragged by a pack of stray dogs on Saturday in Koppal, Karnataka. CCTV captured the event, which showed stray dogs biting, dragging, and attacking the young girl.
Witnesses claimed that the dogs dragged the girl forcefully and bit her as well before throwing her away. The incident took place near Rayara Mutt in Koppal City.
Earlier in April, in Karnataka's Shivamogga, a newborn's body was discovered being dragged by a dog close to the maternity wing of a government hospital.
Security personnel at McGann District Hospital stated they chased the dog away after witnessing it roaming about the maternity unit while carrying what seemed to be a newborn infant in its mouth.
The incident caused the city's authorities to review the threat posed by stray dogs. When it was taken for an examination, the infant was already dead.
Another instance involving a dog attack that left a youngster hurt happened in the Kolar district in the same month.
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