Anjali Yadav, who won the CBSE exam with a perfect score, will receive a scholarship worth Rs 20,000 per month for two years.
Digital Desk: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced a two-year scholarship of Rs 20,000 per month to Anjali Yadav, who topped the CBSE exam with a perfect score. Mr. Khattar also called Anjali's family members and congratulated her on bringing honor to the state and her village.
Ms. Anjali, who hails from Mahendragarh, received a perfect grade in Class 10. She expressed her desire to become a doctor to the chief minister during the call.
According to an official statement, the chief minister offered Ms. Anjali and her mother a scholarship worth Rs 20,000 per month for the following two years after hearing about their financial situation.
Additionally, he promised full support from the government for her academic endeavors. In the meantime, Mr. Khattar claimed in a statement that his administration had given tablets to five lakh students in Classes 10, 11, and 12.
"Five lakh students in government schools will receive tablets from Haryana, the first state in the nation. The state government is working to implement more educational reforms. In this budget, Rs 20,000 crore has been set aside for education. Technology has taken over the world in the present, and we don't want to let our students fall behind in any area, "said Mr. Khattar.
According to him, Haryana has chosen to implement the New Education Policy by 2025 rather than the 2030 target date set by the national government.
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