  • PM Modi praises youngest Mallakhamb player's fine display of acrobatics at the National Games

    PM Modi praises youngest Mallakhamb player's fine display of acrobatics at the National Games
    The National Games' youngest Mallakhamb competitor is Shauryajit. He performed amazing aerial acrobatics while grinning, captivating not only the audience but also Twitter users.

    Digital desk: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday praised Shauryajit Khaire, a 10-year-old Gujarati kid who competed in the "Mallakhamb" event at the 36th National Games being held in Gujarat, on his Twitter account.

    The National Games' youngest Mallakhamb competitor is Shauryajit. He performed amazing aerial acrobatics while grinning, captivating not only the audience but also Twitter users.

    Shauryajit participated in the competition although his father passed away, according to the National Games Gujarat's official Twitter page. My father always wanted me to win the gold in a national competition, he remarked.

    A gymnast performs aerial yoga or gymnastic postures and wrestling grips in conjunction with a vertical, stationary, or hanging wooden pole, cane, or rope in the traditional sport known as mallakhamb.

    The young athlete said when asked why he began playing Mallakhamb that he did it to win gold in the same event in a World Championship.

    Gujarat is the first state where the National Games are being conducted, which began on September 29. 36 sporting events scheduled for Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, and Bhavnagar would include close to 25,000 athletes.