As per the police, the two victims, identified as Padmam and Roslin, were allegedly picked from the Ernakulam area by an agent...
Digital Desk: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) questioned the Kerala government's law and order on Wednesday, following the revelation of a horrifying incident involving human sacrifice deaths. In a horrifying case of "human sacrifice," two women were allegedly killed in Kerala and then buried in the town of Thiruvalla, which is part of the Pathanamthitta district.
Union Minister V Muraleedharan said, "Despite Kerala's reputation as a progressive and literate state, women are still being murdered in this manner. It is embarrassing for the entire nation."
"Police might reveal many more such incidents. There should be a proper investigation into the matter," he said alerting that any political links should not allow the probe to be scuppered. "The Chief Minister should ensure justice," V Muraleedharan said.
According to BJP National Spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla, the case of human sacrifice deaths has stunned the entire nation.
BJP National Spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla blamed the Pinarayi Vijayan-led Kerala government for doing very little to ensure women's safety, saying, "Unfortunately, the Kerala govt does very little to safeguard the safety of women. These events occur as a result of the free reign that Kerala's ruling party and government's goons have."
"What is even more astonishing is the secular quiet of the Lobby, which is very outspoken and articulate on matters of women's safety and generally on human rights. They have stopped all communication today, maybe out of concern for their reputation," Shehzad Poonawalla said.
"Perhaps the state in which this occurred does not make it politically convenient for them (political parties) to express their views. What would have been their response if this incident had occurred somewhere else and there may have been connections with some other political organizations that weren't their own? questioned Shehzad Poonawalla.
But sadly, Shehzad Poonawalla continued, "over a series of such incidents where women are subjected to atrocities, human rights are violated, and Dalits are targeted, when these incidents take place in Kerala, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh, the so-called secular Lobby, which speaks out frequently otherwise, becomes completely silent and mute."
On Tuesday, three accused who reportedly killed two women as 'human sacrifices' were produced in the Ernakulam District Sessions Court. The three suspects were remanded to judicial custody by the Ernakulam District Sessions Court until October 26.
As per the police, the two victims, identified as Padmam and Roslin, were allegedly picked from the Ernakulam area by an agent who lured them to perform a ceremony for a couple.
Reportedly, Roslin went missing in June, while Padmam, a native of Ponnurunni, Kochi, went missing on September 26. The police found that the couple had transported them to Tiruvalla to complete the human sacrifice rite. Both of the women, who were thought to be in their 50s, were later killed, dismembered, and buried.
According to authorities, the alleged killers were a massage therapist named Bhagavanth Singh and his wife Laila. The pair allegedly committed the murders in the hope that it would lead to an affluent existence, according to the police. Shihab, who is accused of aiding the pair in their crime and convincing them to carry it out, as well as the other two accused in the case, have all been taken into custody by the police. The two women from Ernakulam are also believed to have been abducted by him and brought to the couple's house.
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