• Should Kashmir be given to Pakistan? A question in the MP Civil Service exam sparks controversy

    Should Kashmir be given to Pakistan? A question in the MP Civil Service exam sparks controversy

    A multiple choice question, "Should Kashmir be given over to Pakistan?" appeared on an MPPSC question paper that emerged on the internet. According to news reports, the exam selections were perplexing to the pupils that took it, and many of them were unable to react.

    mso-font-kerning:18.0pt;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">Digital Desk: Aspirants and
    political leaders have slammed the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
    (MPPSC) for asking a controversial question about Kashmir in the preliminary
    examination for the state civil services.

    mso-font-kerning:18.0pt;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">The MPPSC Civil Services
    preliminary test contained a question about whether Kashmir, which is the
    subject of an international conflict, should be given over to Pakistan or not,
    which went viral on social media.

    mso-font-kerning:18.0pt;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">A multiple choice question, "Should Kashmir be given over to Pakistan?" appeared
    on an MPPSC question paper that emerged on the internet. According to news
    reports, the exam selections were perplexing to the pupils that took it, and
    many of them were unable to react.

    two options on the MP Civil Services question paper were:

    1. "Times New Roman"">Yes, as it will help the economic situation of India.

    1. "Times New Roman"">No, as it would increase the demand of the Pakistan

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">The answer key for the Madhya
    Pradesh civil services test 2022 revealed that the second option of the
    multiple-choice question was correct, according to the Hindustan Times.
    Regardless, the question paper triggered a social media backlash, with many
    criticising MPPSC for its question selection.

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">People who took the MPPSC
    preliminary examination were perplexed by the Kashmir issue and claimed they
    didn't know how to choose the correct response.

    According to
    sources, Congressman Ajay Yadav said, "Kashmir is a source of pride for
    India. Even the notion that it [handing over Kashmir to Pakistan] will save
    money is exceedingly unacceptable. Even the proper response is disagreeable...
    it should not be about putting an end to similar aspirations [for
    secession]...it should be about giving Indians a better life."