The two accused individuals were located by the police through technological research and queries...Digital Desk: In a shocking incident, a 40-year-ol...
Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal, is anticipated to help 67.95 lakh pensioners and 49.18 lakh employees of the central government.....Digital desk: The ...
We also aim to promote family well-being and a healthier environment by reducing the cost of cooking gas...Digital Desk: Prime Minister Narendra Modi ...
The move, which is likely to benefit nearly 10 crore families, will cost the government Rs 12,000 crore.Digital Desk: The government, citing a gift fo...
Union Minister for State Technology, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, sheds light on the seven crucial components of the IndiaAI Mission, as outlined by the cabi...
Lashkar-e Taiba (LeT) operative Muhammad Qasim Gujjar was involved in plotting a war against India...Digital Desk: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) ...
The ED asserted that Kejriwal does not have the legal right to know whether he is being summoned as a witness or an accused in the case.....Digital de...
Block Education Officer Dharampal reassured that stringent action would be taken against those involved in the cheating episode.Digital Desk: The Clas...