According to Tamil Nadu Health Minister M Subramanian, a week ago they received information on illicit kidney donations...Digital Desk: In a shocking ...
The Special Marriage Act's (SMA) provisions cannot be overturned, the Supreme Court said, and the Chief Justice of India left the decision on the issu...
“Gender queerness isn't about status or affluence. Marriage can't remain a static, stagnant or unchanging institution," the Chief Justice of India s...
The Supreme Court on Monday denied the plea of a married woman to terminate her pregnancy, which has exceeded...Digital Desk: The Supreme Court on Mon...
The bench led by Justice Sanjiv Khanna dismissed the petition, noting that the Bihar government had included a separate column in the list...Digital D...
India's Wholesale Price Index (WPI)-based inflation has remained in negative territory for the sixth consecutive month in... Digital Desk: India's ...
The Lok Sabha member stated in her post that the BJP IT cell was responsible for the photos' social media success...Digital Desk: In a savage reply to...
The meeting has fueled rumours. It is assumed that both leaders are angry with their respective top leadership.Digital Desk: Former Rajasthan chief mi...