Tamil Nadu reported as many as 98 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, the overall tally reaching 34,55,474. However, no casualties have been r...
When I returned home after being a victim of domestic violence, Papa asked me to do whatever I wanted to and then I thought, why not prepare for UPSC ...
On Wednesday, an autopsy will be performed at SSKM Hospital in Kolkata to determine the cause of death.Digital Desk: The death of iconic singer Krishn...
The population control law will be enforced in India soon.Digital Desk: As India's population grows steadily, Union Minister Prahlad Singh Patel ...
Earlier this year, the price of 19-kg commercial LPG was increased by Rs 250 per cylinder.Digital Desk: Commercial LPG cylinders (19 kg) will be ...
Three days prior to after she reached India, Krishna got hitched to Abhik at Kalighat Temple in Kolkata. However, she was apprehended on Monday for il...
A family where there is an ailing mother or one who is disabled, a family full of debt, or one with a single parent. Children from such families are m...
The Punjabi singer had contested for the Punjab Assembly on a Congress ticket from Mansa but was defeated by Vijay Singla of the AAP. Di...