Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
Two black and white ruffled lemurs and seven spider monkeys are among the rescued animal species...
Digital Desk: The Cachar Police recovered nine exotic animal species from the Assam-Mizoram border.
Two black and white ruffled lemurs and seven spider monkeys are among the rescued animal species.
The Cachar Police said that after being thrown by animal traffickers, the animals were found in large cages in the Devipur area of Dhalai.
The police believe that these animals were transported from Myanmar or Indonesia through Mizoram. An investigation has begun after a case was filed.
Reportedly, spider monkeys are mostly found in Columbia, while lemurs are native to South America and Madagascar. According to police sources, the exotic animals were intended to be smuggled into other states through the Cachar area from Indonesia and Myanmar.
The animals are currently being accommodated in the Assam State Zoo in Guwahati.
Last year, three rare species animals were caught in Mizoram. During an operation led by Saifai police, the animals were confiscated from the Assam-Mizoram border near Kolasib. Two African Colobus Monkeys and one crocodile were among the creatures apprehended.
The animals were taken into custody while police carried out a vehicle search. The driver of the car, Zakir Hussain Borbhuyan, was also apprehended. Zakir is from Cachar's Dholai district.
The police reported that the animals they had captured had a market value of more than one crore.
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