The incident in Meghalaya was "believed to be an aftermath of the firing incident at Mukroh village...
Digital Desk: In the presence of Home Minister Amit Shah, Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sharma and Meghalaya CM Conrad Sangma inked a "historic" accord on their border disputes that had been festering for 50 years.
Recently, Six persons were killed in a shooting incident on 22morning at Mukroh village in Meghalaya's West Jaintia Hills, sparking tensions in Assam-Meghalaya border communities. Meghalaya has halted mobile internet services in seven districts of the state for 48 hours, citing recent incidents on the border between the two states.
As a result of this yesterday morning fire incident on the Assam-Meghalaya border at Mukroh Village, the Cherry Blossom Festival has been cancelled.
The postponement of the Chery Blossom Festival is certain to be a setback for the state's tourism industry, as many tourists were expected to attend the two-day event, which was due to begin on November 24. In anticipation of the festival, which is envisioned as Meghalaya's equivalent to Nagaland's Horn Bill festival, all hotels in Shillong and neighbouring areas were fully booked.
The situation has worsened as the people who went to enjoy the widely celebrated Cherry Blossom festival are now struck there.
In a short time after the cancellation of the Cherry Blossom fest , a new incident has been arised, it was reported that Unidentified persons set fire to an SUV with an Assam licence plate in Maghalaya's capital of Shillong on Tuesday night, hours after a confrontation over a state border issue in the West Jaintia Hills lost six lives. The fire department extinguished the blaze, which had fully consumed the SUV, but no injuries were reported.
According to police officials, the event at Mahavir Park in Jhalupara is "believed to be an aftermath of the firing incident at Mukroh hamlet in West Jaintia Hills."
The Meghalaya government has filed a FIR and ordered a judicial investigation into the matter.
The border conflict dates back decades. Meghalaya was formed from Assam in 1972, and it disputed the 1971 reorganisation legislation, resulting in disputes in 12 places along the 884.9-kilometer boundary.
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