Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
CM Sarma further directed the District Collector to provide all essential assistance to the people of Divyang.
Desk: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma dedicated multiple development
projects totaling Rs 300 crores in the state's Udalguri district on Sunday.
chief minister lay the groundwork for an Ekalavya school and a new police
Chief Minister Office (CMO) took to Twitter to share details about the efforts,
saying, "HCM Dr @himantabiswa launched a number of development projects
for the people of Bhergaon in Udalguri district. Himanta Biswa Sarma laid the
foundation stone for an Ekalavya school and a new Police Outpost worth Rs 20
crore for a new college in the Dimakuchi region of Udalguri. CM Sarma further
directed the District Collector to provide all essential assistance to the
people of Divyang. stadium and school modernization 35 kilometres of linked
roadways are being upgraded."
Biswa Sarma talked with 'Divyang people,' persons with special needs in
Udalguri's Dimakuchi district. CM Sarma further directed the District Collector
to provide all essential assistance to the people of Divyang.
Rowta, he also unveiled a statue of Asom Gaurav Kalpana Gaurav, a social
reformer. Kalpana Boro had devoted her life to serving society, particularly
the welfare of children. Her contribution to the Anganwadi network will be
remembered forever.
In addition, he lay the groundwork for
a new mini-stadium, Model Tea Garden School, elephant watch tower, handloom
cluster, and Jagannath Community Hall & Training Centre for our tea garden
workers. In Dimakuchi, he laid the groundwork for the Nanaikhuti Multi-Village
Public Water Supply Project, valued Rs 178.53 crores, as part of the Jal Jeevan
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