Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
The above legislation was passed on the thirteenth day of the Assam Legislative Assembly's current budget session.
Digital Desk: Three bills related to the education department were passed by the Assam Legislative Assembly on Wednesday during the ongoing budget session. Ranoj Pegu, the minister of education, alerted people of this.
Pegu introduced the three education-related legislation before the Parliament.
The bills include the following:
The following bills were approved today by the Assam Legislative Assembly:
1. The Assam Elementary and Secondary School Teachers' (Regulation of Posting and Transfer) (Amendment) Bill, 2023.
2. The Assam College Employees (Provincialisation) (Amendment) Bill, 2023.
3. The Assam Science and…
— Ranoj Pegu (@ranojpeguassam) April 5, 2023
The above legislation was passed on the thirteenth day of the Assam Legislative Assembly's current budget session.
Today's intense argument between the government and opposition parties over the implementation of the Assam Accord led to a walkout by Congress MLAs, including opposition leader Debabrata Saikia.
On the thirteenth day of the Assam Assembly session, Minister for the Implementation of the Assam Accord Atul Bora refuted the opposition leader Debabrata Saikia's inquiry regarding the Assam Accord's implementation.
Bora asked, “What was the Congress government doing in the past? Congress should ask this question at Rajiv Bhawan in Delhi.”
The leaders of the opposition decided to arrange a walkout in protest over Bora's comments against the Assam Accord.
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