The team also recovered an amount of Rs 65,37,500 (sixty-five lakhs thirty-seven thousand five hundred) during a search operation at the accused's home.
Digital Desk: The investigators of the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption arrested another government worker on suspicion of corruption on May 18 in Guwahati.
The government employee is identified as Minakshi Kakati Kalita, and she works at the Kar Bhawan in Guwahati as an Assistant Commissioner of State Tax.
The team also discovered an amount of Rs 65,37,500 (sixty-five lakhs thirty-seven thousand five hundred) during a search operation at the accused's home.
After Minakshi accepted and made demands for bribe money from the complainant to reactivate GST online features, investigators caught her red-handed in her office at Kar Bhawan.
It is to be noted that the official handle of the anti-corruption cell twitted, “2nd trap of the day. @DIR_VAC_ASSAM trapped red-handed Minakshi Kakati Kalita, Asst. Commissioner of State Tax in her office in KAR BHAWAN after she accepted demanded bribe from the complainant for reactivating GST online functions.”
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