According to officials, the Dhekiajuli police station searched and discovered six hand-made bombs under a bridge in the Sirajuli area based on army intelligence data.
Digital Desk: Six homemade bombs were recovered under a bridge in the Dhekiajuli area of Assam's Sonitpur district on Wednesday.
According to officials, the Dhekiajuli police station searched and discovered six hand-made bombs under a bridge in the Sirajuli area based on army intelligence data.
Sub-Inspector S Manta of the Dhekiajuli police station stated that they had gotten information from army intelligence that some explosives were buried under a bridge in the Sirajuli area.
"Based on that information, we searched and retrieved six homemade bombs. Our investigation is underway. We believe the devices were planted under the bridge by suspected extremists "the police official stated.
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