Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
These measures have been implemented to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and the avoidance of any untoward incidents.
color:#2E2E2E">Digital Desk:
color:black">The city's Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) has made important
announcements about the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) matches.
color:black">The DCP highlighted the roadmap and the measures that have been
put in place to ensure a safe and secure environment for both players and
spectators during a press conference.
The announcement about
vehicular movement was a key point of the press conference. According to the
Deputy Commissioner, vehicles can travel from Barsapara to Lokhra, but vehicles
from Lokhra are prohibited. Heavy vehicles are also not permitted on AK Dev
Road or the highway. These measures have been implemented to ensure the smooth
flow of traffic and the avoidance of any untoward incidents.
color:black">It was also announced that certain items, such as helmets, water
bottles, and other objects, are not permitted inside the stadium. This decision
was made to ensure public safety and that no objects are thrown onto the pitch
during the matches.
Within the stadium,
spectators will be able to sit in one of seven designated blocks. These blocks
have been carefully selected to provide the best possible view of the match
while also allowing social distancing measures to be implemented. It is
critical to note that all spectators must adhere to the guidelines established
by the authorities in order to ensure the safety of all those present.
color:black">The Deputy Commissioner also stated that these measures will go
into effect on April 5th and 8th. To ensure the safety and well-being of
everyone present, it is critical that all those planning to attend the matches
follow these guidelines.
the Deputy Commissioner of Police's press conference was an important step
towards ensuring the safety and security of players and spectators during the
upcoming IPL matches. The precautions taken will help to prevent any untoward
incidents and provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all.
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