"Today, 207 candidates have received appointment letters," he stated. The Prime Minister's objective is to make India self-sufficient within the next 25 years."
Digital Desk: As many as 207 people were given appointment letters for various federal government positions in Guwahati.
During the third round of Rozgar Mela, Prime Minister Narendra Modi electronically delivered over 71,000 employment letters across the country for positions in 38 departments.
Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal stated at the occasion at Rang Bhawan in Maligaon that the Prime Minister's ambition is to make India self-sufficient within the next 25 years.
"Today, 207 candidates have received appointment letters," he stated. The Prime Minister's objective is to make India self-sufficient within the next 25 years."
"A strong economy has been built in these nine years." "Our country has risen to fifth place in the world economy," he remarked.
He also asked all newly appointed officials to operate with honesty and integrity.
"Glad to attend the 4th #RozgarMela at Rang Bhawan, Guwahati," the union minister posted on Twitter. Today, the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji electronically delivered employment letters to 71,506 newly hired government employees.
On this occasion, appointment letters were ceremonially handed over to selected candidates."
Train Manager, technician, Station Master, Ticket Clerk, Pointsman, Track Maintainer, Hospital Assistant, and more positions are available.
Meanwhile, appointment letters were handed to 217 people in Dimapur and 225 people in Siliguri.
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