• Choreographer Ranjit Gogoi apologizes to Naga community over Assam Bihu song lyrics used for Guinness World Record

    Choreographer Ranjit Gogoi apologizes to Naga community over Assam Bihu song lyrics used for Guinness World Record
    Ranjit Gogoi, the lead choreographer of the grand Bihu dance that set a Guinness World Record, explained...

    Digital Desk: Ranjit Gogoi, the chief choreographer of the mega Bihu dance that set a Guinness World Record, has released an explanation after a portion of Naga people from the All Assam Sema Naga Council objected to some words of a song during the performance. 

    "I want to make it clear that the song that was decided to be part of the Bihu for the Guinness World Record has no relation with Nagaland," he told the media.

    Furthermore, the choreographer stated that there was no malicious intent meant when singing the song, and he also clarified that it was a song sung by the Assamese ancestors.

    "It has come to my attention that a few Naga brothers and sisters have objected to the song's lyrics...we did not sing to hurt the sentiments of the Naga people, and if I have hurt anyone, I sincerely apologies."

    The All Assam Sema Naga Council has protested to the lyrics of the Bihu song chosen for the Guinness World Record attempt on April 14, claiming that the lyrics are demeaning to Assam's Naga people.

    The Council has denounced the song for using phrases like "Okora Naga" and "Nagini," which have long offended the Naga people who live in the state.

    "We opposed the song performed by artist Ranjit Gogoi at the Guinness World Records event.  We noted and believed that the song's lyrics were offensive to the Naga communities of Assam and the Northeast. The song deeply harmed the feelings and emotions of Naga Tribes in Assam and other parts of the Northeast. The Naga communities are a vital part of Greater Assam life and culture. We are very delighted to be a part of this community, but sadly, we are often discriminated against in various ways," the Naga Council enacted in a press release.

    The Council also asked that the music with the lyrics be banned, as well as an apology from Ranjit Gogoi for making use of the song with the lyrics. "We, the Sema Communities of Assam, strongly demand that this song be banned from any future event." We also demand that artist Ranjit Gogoi issue a sincere apology. Otherwise, we will be forced to resort to legal action," the Council added.