The trio allegedly laced their 'chowmein' with poison, leading to serious illness...Digital Desk: In a tragic incident, a minor girl lost her life aft...
'Local Kung Fu' was released on September 27, 2013, and 'Local Kung Fu 2' was released on April 19, 2017. Digital Desk: 'Local Kung Fu' and 'Loca...
The youth in question was shot in the leg, making him immobile, in the incident that happened in the Salmara region of Baihata Chariali. Digital ...
Chief Minister Sarma stated that the government would need to establish a judicial commission...Digital Desk: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma...
The Assam chief minister made his remarks after learning that Congress leaders Gaurav Gogoi, Pradyut Bordoloi, and Rakibul Hussain are allegedly in a ...
Launching several projects simultaneously in one constituency is regarded as a major development drive...Digital Desk: Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma on...
Parents sold their children in Arunachal for Rs 7,000... Digital Desk: In a recent significant shift of events in the state, a new heinous c...
The Assam Forest Department issued the decision to reserve a seat for security considerations...Digital Desk: Keeping certain safety, Kaziranga N...