• Sikkim FA was criticised by Bhaichung Bhutia for not supporting him in the AIFF elections.

    Sikkim FA was criticised by Bhaichung Bhutia for not supporting him in the AIFF elections.

    Desk: Bhaichung Bhutia, a former captain of India and contender for the AIFF
    presidency, claimed on Sunday that political pressure prevented his home
    state's football association, Sikkim FA, from endorsing him in the upcoming
    general body elections. One of Indian football's greatest legends, 45-year-old
    Bhutia, is gearing up for a direct challenge for the AIFF president's position
    on September 2.


     Kalyan Chaubey, a former goalkeeper for Mohun
    Bagan and East Bengal, is thought to be the front-runner and has the support of
    political powerhouse state organisations like Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh.
    Bengal's BJP is led by Chaubey.

    State organisations from Rajasthan
    and Andhra Pradesh put out and supported Bhutia's nomination. His state
    association did not offer him any assistance.


    Bhutia, known as 'Sikkimese Sniper'
    during his playing days for his goal-scoring prowess, alleged meddling from
    some ruling Sikkim Krantakari Morcha (SKM) party leaders by way of pressurising
    Sikkim FA president Menla Ethenpa to vote against him. "I suggest that the
    few SKM party leaders trying to interfere into the elections to back off. They
    have persuaded the SFA president to vote against me when he should be requested
    to abstain," he said at a press conference in Gangtok.


    Angry former national captain:
    "Direct intervention by political individuals will harm the development of
    football in the state and the country as a whole. I definitely don't want his
    (Ethenpa's) support."


    "In the elections, Menla
    Ethenpa, the president, rather than himself, will represent SFA. He ought to
    stand out for what is right if he truly wants football to thrive."


    In addition, Bhutia stated that if
    Ethenpa wants to see football develop in Sikkim, he needs to vacate the
    position he has had for the previous 16 years. Additionally, he claimed that
    retired bureaucrat Ethenpa was mismanaging the association and not carrying out
    the tasks assigned to him.


    He accused the SFA of having
    "corruption" and "misappropriation" of cash.


    The great footballer, who retired in
    2011 after becoming the first Indian to play 100 full internationals for the
    nation, said, "After the AIFF presidential elections, I would go court
    requesting a third party probe into the accounts of SFA.


    Ethenpa's large family is represented in the state
    association's executive board, according to Bhutia, which he claimed is against
    the laws governing sports in the nation. "If we want to thrive as a good
    footballing state, we need to reform the corrupt processes within the SFA and
    bring in the appropriate individuals. We'll take this subject to court,
    "said said.