Digital Desk: Indian cricket star Virat Kohli's much-anticipated return to domestic cricket brought around 15,000 spectators to the Kotla Stadium on Thursday morning. A huge crowd turned up at the stadium creating a stampede-like situation as Virat returned to first-class cricket after 13 long years. He was featured in the Ranji Trophy match donning a Delhi jersey against Railways.
The fans were queuing up outside the stadium which led to open more gates and stands to manage the heavy crowd. According to the Delhi Police, the crowd was pushing and pulling each other to enter the stadium which resulted in some of them getting injured. A police two-wheeler was damaged and a security guard was also injured during the ruckus.
A Virat Kohli fan invaded the pitch and ran towards him to touch his feet during the match. The incident occurred when Ayush Badoni led Delhi team was fielding. Kohli urged the security officials not to beat the invader. Virat allowed the fan to touch his feet and requested the security personnel to let him leave the ground peacefully.
The Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA) allowed free entry for the spectators to watch the Delhi vs Railways match. Virat's return has prompted BCCI to make a last-minute decision to livestream the cricket match on Jio Cinema.
Virat last appeared in a Ranji Trophy match in 2012 against Uttar Pradesh. The global cricket icon joined the Delhi team's practice session on Tuesday with the squad. He was spotted honing his batting skills in the nets.
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