• Can you believe it? Man spends Rs 1.35 crore on surgeries to become 5 inches taller

    Can you believe it? Man spends Rs 1.35 crore on surgeries to become 5 inches taller

    He took supplements that claimed to make him taller and talked to a spiritual healer who assured him that he could increase his height if he properly put his mind to it. 

    Digital Desk: A Minnesotan man spent over $1,70,000 (Rs 1.35 crore) on two leg-lengthening surgeries to increase his height by five inches in order to improve his dating life.

    Moses Gibson, 41, found it difficult to find a date due to his 5-foot-5-inch height. To increase his height, he tried a number of different things, including taking medication and seeing a spiritual healer.

    Mr. Gibson told Kennedy News and Media, "I just didn't feel good about myself," and he claimed to have experienced "heightism."

    He continued, "I was upset about it most of the time; it was my confidence in general and with the females. My love life was impacted by it. To add a little bit of height, but not much, I used to stuff my shoes.

    He took supplements that claimed to make him taller and talked to a spiritual healer who assured him that he could increase his height if he properly put his mind to it. But after both failed, he made the decision to undergo an expensive and painful leg-lengthening surgery.

    By working as a software engineer and an Uber driver for three years, he was able to save $75,000 for the surgery.

    He had the surgery done in 2016, which increased his height by 3 inches.

    "After the first procedure, I was somewhat satisfied with it, but I always wanted to do another one to finish it," the patient said. The man divulged. "High achiever," I said. I have the resources necessary to complete the journey."

    The man paid $98,000 on a second operation in March to increase his height by 2 inches.

    He now pulls the severed bone apart a millimetre at a time, three times a day, using height-lengthening equipment, according to the news source.

    "I'll be happy at 5-foot-10," he said. But even better if my body and everything else let me go 3 inches to get to 5-foot-11!"

    He said his surgeries had given him the confidence to interact with women. After the initial procedure, he claimed, "I started approaching women less nervously and with less concern for the result. He bragged, "I now have a girlfriend. Along with taking full-body photos, something I had never done before, I also started wearing shorts. Regarding the additional inches he expects to gain following the second treatment, he added, "In my view, when I'm done with this stage, I can just be free. Just for now, I won't give my height a second thought. Whatever I have, I'll be content with it."

    Mr. Gibson doesn't regret it, despite the suffering and costs.