• Finally! Meghalaya to get its first State University in Shillong after a 50-year wait

    Finally! Meghalaya to get its first State University in Shillong after a 50-year wait

    The State University's initial campus or office will be placed in Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya.

    Digital Desk: After 50 years of waiting, Meghalaya's Chief Minister announced today that the state is finally going to establish its State University. The Chief Minister acknowledged the initiative's long overdue and stressed the significance of maintaining steady progress while also living up to public expectations.

    The Chief Minister stated, "It's taken a while, but we've finally started the establishment of the State University. He admitted that there were high hopes for this project because a State University had long been desired."

    The State University's initial campus or office will be placed in Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya, according to the Chief Minister, who made this clarification. This tactical choice seeks to centralise and streamline the administrative procedures for the recently founded institution.

    However, the Chief Minister also made it clear that the state at this time does not have plans to establish a second institution at the state level. Before considering adding more educational institutions, he emphasised several concerns, including the financial ramifications and the requirement to first evaluate the State University's current establishment and operation.

    The Chief Minister stated that before moving forward with another university, "we need to carefully analyse the financial impact and various other factors." Before considering any growth, he emphasised the significance of stabilising and ensuring the first State University's successful operation.

    The development of higher education in the state will take place in phases, the Chief Minister emphasised. He claimed that the present State University is the primary emphasis, with additional campuses being established as needed in other regions of the state.

    "Let's first establish a stable foundation for the first State University, monitor its development, then establish additional campuses as needed around the state. We may then think about the second phase once we have accomplished this," he said.

    With the State University's announcement of its foundation, Meghalayans can now look forward to better access to and possibilities for higher education. Stakeholders are anxiously anticipating seeing the good effects this important educational endeavour will have on both the academic environment and the state's general development as the state moves forward with it.