The announcement was accompanied by a teaser featuring a new cohort of contestants plunged into a high-stakes game...Digital Desk: The much-awaited re...
Approximately 850 golf club members have been instructed to steer clear during this exclusive period...Digital Desk: Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant...
According to Bollywood Hungama, Deepika Padukone, widely regarded as the foremost female star in the country, charges between Rs 15-20 crore per film....
Furthermore, Shah Rukh Khan's enduring popularity is evident through his wax figures, displayed at 14 prestigious locations worldwide, including the G...
Earlier reports had suggested that Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, nephew of Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, was detained following complaints filed by his former ...
The condition worsened to the point where Jasmine had to wear sunglasses throughout the event and couldn’t walk without assistance...Digital Desk: A...
Despite their separation, it should be noted that the two continue to follow each other on Instagram...Digital Desk: Hours after announcing her separa...
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic tied the knot in 2020 and welcomed their son Agastya the same year...Digital Desk: Model Natasa Stankovic and crick...