Sonakshi expressed her uncompromising view, stating, “A good actor will always find workDigital Desk: Sonakshi Sinha, renowned for her role as Faree...
Kriti revealed that producers often justify the pay gap by citing recovery from digital and satellite rights, which are secured before the film's rele...
Justin and Hailey Bieber's unwavering love and devotion to each other serve as a testament to the enduring power of love and family...Digital Desk:&nb...
The 20-year-old announced in a video message that he is getting married.Digital Desk: The Tajik singer Abdu Rozik, who rose to fame in India ...
Several images of the actor with his wife are still available on his grid. But Padukone still has photos from their wedding on her Instagram profile.D...
Deepika has retained the photos on her account, and Ranveer still has recent pictures with herDigital Desk: Ranveer Singh has removed his wedding phot...
The streaming platform took to social media to share the exciting news, unveiling the poster of the upcoming season...Digital Desk: Get ready to ...
When the popular movie was released digitally after its fantastic theatrical run, it was met with an enormous amount of enthusiasm. TDigital Desk: Kir...