• Check out the Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss with Yoga

    Check out the Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss with Yoga
    Are you looking to learn why you should use yoga for hair growth? Here are 5 especially powerful asanas...

    Digital Desk: Yoga is commonly associated with mind, body, and soul alignment, as well as offering mental and physical composure. Did you know, however, that it offers several health benefits such as improved digestion, better sleep, and hair growth?

    Hair loss is the most prevalent and aggravating ailment that most individuals suffer at some time in their lives. Genes, underlying disorders, hormonal imbalances, certain drugs, malnutrition, and ageing are all known to contribute to hair loss. Yoga is an unexpected remedy that can help manage hair loss.

    Learn about these 5 excellent yoga asanas for naturally preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth: 

    Balayam Yoga Mudra (Rubbing Nails Pose): One of the easiest asanas for hair development. Rub your fingernails together vigorously. Perform for 5-10 minutes per day. The rubbing motion stimulates nerve terminals. They, in turn, revitalise hair follicles.

    Vajrasana (diamond pose): Begin in a kneeling position, place your buttocks on your heels, maintain your feet connected, and point your toes backwards. Make sure your neck, spine, and head are all in a straight line. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up. Spend a few seconds in this position and take a deep breath. Relax and exhale. Unfold your legs and stretch them out straight. 

    Prasarita padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend): Stretch your legs hip-width apart, toes pointed forward. Bend forward at the hip joints. Put your palms on the ground and, if possible, your head as well. Hold this position for a few seconds and take deep breaths. Inhale and carefully raise your torso without bending your spine. Place your hands on your hips and relax once you're standing straight.

    Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): The posture begins on the tabletop. Form an Inverted V with your hips by lifting them upwards. Hands and legs must be straight during this time. Look at the navel with your ears close to your inner arms. Relax by taking a few deep breaths.

    Sirsasana (Headstand): One of the most complex yoga asanas for hair development. It is a complete inversion. In this case, the head supports the body. Lift the legs using your forearms for support until your entire body is perpendicular to the floor in a straight line.