After receiving the Facebook alert, the Delhi Police Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operation (IFSO) team notified the Nand Nagri police station, which scrambled men to avert the suicide attempt."
Digital Desk: Delhi Police on Tuesday said it averted the live streaming of a suicide on the social media platform Facebook. According to Delhi Police, on Monday at 9 p.m., a 25-year-old man in north-east Delhi's Nand Nagri attempted to video his suicide "live" on Facebook.
"But, Facebook detected what the youth were about to do and sent an SOS to Delhi Police," one officer explained. After receiving the Facebook alert, the Delhi Police Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operation (IFSO) team notified the Nand Nagri police station, which scrambled men to avert the suicide attempt."
"As soon as the police received information, a squad of Delhi Police leapt into action and arrived at the man's residence," police said, adding that when they arrived, the 25-year-old was found drowsily resting on his bed.
According to police, he was brought to GTB Hospital and then released following treatment.
According to Delhi Police, when questioned, the individual admitted to taking a mixture of 30 to 40 pills.
"His parents stated that he had been depressed since March 8 and was undergoing treatment for it," the officer continued.
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