• Arjuna Ranatunga is being sued by Sri Lankan cricket officials for a purported $2 billion in damages for reputational harm

    Arjuna Ranatunga is being sued by Sri Lankan cricket officials for a purported $2 billion in damages for reputational harm

    In the Statement, it is stated that Ranatunga "has spoken with malice, harming the goodwill and character of the SLC and has made purposeful public comments by making false and defamatory claims against the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Cricket."

    dispute between the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) and Arjuna
    Ranatunga has reached a crucial point, with the SLC administration demanding 2
    billion Sri Lankan rupees from the former captain for making untrue and
    disparaging remarks.

    to a statement from the SLC, they have given Ranatunga, the National Sports
    Council's recently appointed head, Letters of Demand (LOD) for Rs 2 billion.

    The SLC
    announced that, following careful consideration of Ranatunga's "false,
    disrespectful and distorted comment" from a recent media interview, the
    SLC Executive Committee resolved at an emergency meeting on Monday to sue the
    former World Cup-winning cricket captain.

    In the Statement, it is stated that
    Ranatunga "has spoken with malice, harming the goodwill and character of
    the SLC and has made purposeful public comments by making false and defamatory
    claims against the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Cricket."

    Due to the injury done to Sri Lanka
    Cricket and its staff as a result of the aforementioned false and defamatory
    remark, members of the Executive Committee have sent letters of demand to
    Arjuna Ranatunga asking for Rs. 2 billion in compensation. 

