Kejriwal has rejected the ED's accusation, claiming that the cases it has brought are "false" and are being used by the Center to "topple" governments...
When he stepped out of the house to go there, he was kidnapped, put in a car, and driven to Yamuna. He was taken to a sugarcane field and thrashed bef...
On January 21, The Centre provided instructions for censoring numerous Twitter tweets and YouTube videos that had links to the divisive film.Digital D...
Viral Video of Naked Woman Ringing Doorbells and Knocking People's Doors in Night Creates Panic in Rampur Village... Digital Desk: In Uttar Pradesh, ...
The price rise has been implemented as a result of an increase in the overall cost of operation and milk production. Digital Desk: Gujarat dairy ...
Since 2019, the prime minister has visited Japan three times, as well as the United States and the United Arab Emirates twice... Digital Desk: Prime ...
Two Shaligram stones have arrived in Ayodhya to be dedicated to the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust...Digital Desk: Two precious rocks from ...
In preparation for the Kumbh Mela in 2025, a terminal and runway will also be constructed in Prayagraj. Agra will also get a brand-new terminal.Di...