Digital Desk: Actor-turned-politician Kamal Hassan also commented on the issue of the Karnataka hijab row. Hassan remarked, "must be more vigilant in times like these."
On Wednesday, Kamal Hassan tweeted concerning the ongoing hijab row in Karnataka and stated the problem is making a "communal divide among innocent students."
"What is happening in Karnataka is provoking unrest. It's making a communal divide amongst innocuous college students," Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM) chief Kamal Haasan commented.
He further added that the state must be more careful in times like these."
"What is happening in the adjacent state of Karnataka should not happen in Tamil Nadu. So the progressive forces in the state should be more careful in times like these," said Kamal Hassan.
Meantime, the Karnataka government has decided to shut off high schools and colleges for three days amid the controversial hijab row outrage. The Karnataka chief minister announced this news on Tuesday.
The controversy and outrage of hijab row have stretched over the boundaries. As a result, different parts of the nation are now witnessing the scene of making remarks upon the hijab row conflict.
It was also recorded that some right-wing activists have forced college and schoolboys to wear shawls to protest against the Muslim girls wearing hijab on the school premises.
The simple fight of Muslim girls against not being permitted to enter class wearing hijab has now taken a big screen. Hijab row has become a story in all national media headlines that record incidents of conflicts, chaos, disorder, protests, outrage, and misleading.
The hijab row controversy has gained attention from everyone across the nation. However, things are still getting ugly, and no resolution has been taken. High authorities are already holding a meeting to discuss the matter.
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